November 4th--The on-stage part of the fifth GDUFS World Culture Festival,the Gala,was a spectacular hit in the Yunshan Hall on the evening of October 31st. Sponsored and organized by the Office of International Cooperation & Exchange and the Institute for International Education, the grand gala offered a perfect stage for international students to express both their colorful cultures and their interest in China.
One event, an eye-catching fashion show, gripped the audience. Students from 15 countries or so, including China, dressed in their classic folk costumes to the delight of the audience.

A moment in the fashion show (Source from
And performers continually impressed the audience with their exotic dancing, winning rounds of applause and cheers from the audience.

An example of folk dancing from Latin America (Source from
Another spotlight was an adaptation of the dramatic and popular TV dating showIf You AretheOne, bringing the gala to a climax. The drama combined ironic and amusing elements highlighting some Chinese social hot spots.

A dramatic moment fromIf You Are the One
Surprises kept pouring in: A Halloween party dance rocked the stage and wowed the audience with creepy costumes and masks. Neo, once aCampus' Top Ten SingersAward winner at GDUFS, captured the audience with his charming voice.Gangnam Styleperformed by a group of Korean students lit up the stage and more was yet to come.
GDUFS is famous for the breadth of languages offered here and for its language teaching and has been engaged in international education at increasingly higher levels in recent years. It seems that, at whatever moment on campus, we can hear a dozen languages, all of which transport us to a mini United Nations here at the foot of Baiyun Mountain.
In 2013, the Institute for International Education has expanded its enrollment and has enrolled 2108 international students from over 110 countries and regions. The World Culture Festival, as Dean LIANG Xuehong of the Institute stated, aims to offer international students a platform to display their cultures and customs, enhancing our overall understanding, as well as building friendships here at home and abroad.
Of different races, nationalities and beliefs, all the students were completely equal and made the best of this gala to shine on the GDUFS stage, sharing their cultures with us in ways that show they are obviously proud of their homelands, and impressing us with a grand visual feast. Cultural Exchange; Mutual Understanding; andFriendship Without Bordersare everywhere evident in this celebration.
Aren't these the most precious experiences an open-minded university could provide?
Although the World Culture Festival for 2013 has ended, the spirit of cultural blending, equality and friendship will never disappear from GDUFS.

A group photo of Dean of Institute( in the middle), and all the performers