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Delegation of the Consulate General of the Republic of France in Guangzhou Visits GDUFS
2024-03-21 12:04  

On the afternoon of March 13th, Consul General Sylvain Fourriere and his delegation from the Consulate General of the Republic of France in Guangzhou visited our university. They were accompanied by the President’s team from the ESC Clermont Business School. Shi Youqi, Secretary of the Party Committee of GDUFS, received the guests in the VIP Lounge of the Administration Building on Baiyunshan Campus. They exchanged views on talent cultivation, discipline construction, and the promotion of cultural exchanges.


Scene of the Meeting

Shi Youqi expressed his warm welcome to the Consul General and the delegation, and introduced in detail the educational characteristics of GDUFS and the achievements of the French language major. He emphasized that as a high-level university with distinctive international characteristics, GDUFS adheres to the idea of open education and promotes international exchanges and cooperation. Through the implementation of the “PRIME” project, the university has continued to improve building international high-end cooperation platforms, speeding up scientific research and social services, enhancing international influence, innovating talent cultivation mode, and optimizing the faculty team. As one of the featured majors of GDUFS, the French language major has formed a complete talent cultivation system for bachelor’s, master’s, and doctoral degrees after more than 60 years of development, and has been honored as a “Featured Major” by the Ministry of Education and the “First-Class Undergraduate Major” at national level. In addition, GDUFS has established solid intercollegiate cooperation relationships with many French universities, including the ESC Clermont Business School, laying a solid foundation for in-depth exchanges between the two sides in the field of education. The Consul General’s visit will provide a strong impetus for the exchanges and cooperation between our university and French universities in various fields, strengthen cultural exchanges, and jointly write a new chapter for our future.

Consul General Fourriere expressed his heartfelt gratitude for our warm reception and highly praised our achievements in talent cultivation and French language major development. He pointed out that this year is the 60th anniversary of the formal establishment of diplomatic relations between France and China, and the 20th anniversary of the establishment of a comprehensive strategic partnership between the two countries. The two countries have deepened exchanges and cooperation in the fields of economy, trade, education, culture, and other fields. He looked forward to deepening the cooperation with GDUFS in the future, strengthening the ties between French universities and other institutions and our university, jointly promoting the high-quality development of Sino-French educational cooperation, achieving more fruitful outcomes, and making greater contributions to enhancing the friendly exchanges between France and China.


Group Photo

Relevant persons in the International Office, GDUFS Faculty of European Languages and Cultures, and GDUFS School of AI and Electronic Sports participated in the meeting.

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